Romans 15:20 My ambition has always been to preach the good news where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else (Romans 15:20, NLT)
Where there is no school, we start one; where there is poverty, we empower people economically; where there is no church, we start one; and where there is no hospital, we build one ... ours is a holistic ministry that transform societies for Christ.

Rev. Dr. Stanley Nwoji
President / International Director Millions For Christ Missions

OUR VISION Our vision is to be God's tool for the discipling, transformation, and empowering of all nations for Christ especially those ones that have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
OUR MISSION We are established by the Holy Spirit to plant New Testament indigenous missionary churches in every community on earth where there are no churches through research, integration, contextual power evangelism, cross-cultural discipleship, social action and justice, community development, economic empowerment of converts and the mission; doing all these in the 10-40 window, Western nations, and the rest of the world.

Rev. Mrs. Margaret C Nwoji, RN Vice President Millions For Christ Missions
Our goal is to reach unreached peoples of the earth, people neglected by government and sometimes the Church. Ours is a holistic mission that involves Christians from different nations, different skills, and different professions. Our end product is a transformed community under the lordship of our Lord, King, Savior and God, Jesus Christ.